Boebot page

A boebot is a little electronic deivce (a robot basically) that you can make do whatever you want as far as movement and reaction is concerned. the robot can do various things depending on what parts you have installed on it. When you have put your boebot together, you must either install a bettery outlet for batteries (mine had an AA battery outlet installed) or it may have already came with one.

Once you have put your boebot together correctly, you have to install and load up the BASIC Stamp Editor program. In this program, you will type in the certain commands needed to make your boebot do certain things. Your boebot must also be connected to the computer you are entering the commands on via USB.

For example, here IS A code/command that makes your boebot move in a circle.

pulseCount VAR Word

pulseCount VAR Word FREQOUT 4, 2000, 3000 Main: DO PULSOUT 13, 850 PULSOUT 12, 716 PAUSE 20 LOOP

By editing the numbers 850 and 716, you can change how much the robot turns. by changing the pulsout numbers, you control which wheel is turning. Pretty cool right? here is my full code for making my boebot mmove in a triangular rotation

counter VAR Nib pulseCount VAR Word FREQOUT 4, 2000, 3000 Main: FOR counter = 1 TO 3 GOSUB Forward GOSUB Right_Rotate120 NEXT END Forward: FOR pulseCount = 1 TO 245 PULSOUT 12, 850 PULSOUT 13, 650 PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN Right_Rotate120: FOR pulseCount = 1 TO 40 PULSOUT 13, 850 PULSOUT 12, 850 PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN

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